Saturday, January 26, 2013

Homemade Organic, Vegan Juice Pulp Dog Treats

They ARE just waiting for me to drop some of the mixture so that can gobble it up!
Ok, as promised the follow up to yesterday's juice post... what to do with that pulp... first thing is DON'T throw it away!  It can very easily be made into fabulous healthy, yummy, vegan doggie treats that your pups will beg you for.

You can make these treats with any juice pulp bearing in mind that there are a few fruits and veggies that are not safe for dogs to eat, mainly onions, garlic and grapes most of which I don't think people are putting into their juices... unless you're making a savory tomato garlicy type juice, in which case DON'T use that pulp to make doggy treats. 

I try to always use organic fruits and veggies when I juice, in addition I use organic pb and oats so these treats are organic and vegan, IDK if you've priced organic dog treats but boy are they expensive! So making your own and using that juice pulp instead of throwing it away really makes these treats easy on the wallet!

Homemade juice pulp doggy treats:

The juice I made the most recent batch of treats from was the first juice in yesterday's post: 1 large sweet potato, 3 large carrots and 2 oranges. After making my juice I was left with about 3-4 cups of pulp. If you have more or less pulp you can adjust your other ingredients accordingly.

Place the pulp in a bowl and add 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1 cup oats and I added 1/4 cup ground flax seed. 

Approx 4 cups of juice pulp

Use your hands to squish, mix and combine well. 

Roll into balls appropriate for your dog's size. Mine are about 1 inch balls. 

Bake at 300 for 1 hour turning once half way through. 

My dogs LOVE these, in fact they love to just eat them raw, kinda like how I love eating cookie dough raw lol. 

What a little beggar! lol

Charlie approves these treats and gives them a lip-licking-good review!

So save your pulp! Nothing wasted and your pups yet a YUMMY, healthy treat!


  1. Is your little blacky a Schipperkche or a Pomeranian? x

    1. I have a dog exactly like Charlie, with the same name! Very funny to see your Charlie on here :)

  2. are the treats supposed to be crunchy? I cooked for one hour and they were still moist inside and I figured they would mold this way if they sat out?

  3. i just made them w/same proportions, but w/apple/carrot pulp for 45mins perfect! suggestion: use olive oil on your hands before hand blending. muuuch easier.

  4. Had to let them bake 4 hours to be crispy after cooling.

  5. Sorry have not had much time for the blog lately, as such have not checked comments. They are supposed to be chewyish not crunchy. I store them in a large 1/2 gallon mason jar and have never had them mold on me, however they don't last long as I tend to indulge my pups and give them lots of these "cookies" knowing that they are healthy and there is nothing nasty in them.

  6. Olive oil tip is genius! Thank you Tonya!
